
Pharmaceutical Final Rulemaking Status - May 2020


JUNE 1, 2020

In February of 2019 the EPA’s acting administrator’s rule was published around the handling of pharmaceutical  hazardous waste. One of the major impacts this rule will have is the safety of our drinking and surface water in its goal to remove contaminants from pharmaceutical disposal

States Where the Rule is in Effect

Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Virginia

Specific Updates

Arizona has planned to have its rule date published along with public hearings in May of 2020 with a final rule effective date in early 2021. Colorado is in its public comment period and had been accepting comments until May 6th and scheduled the public hearing for May 19th. Delaware has been in its public comment period with its pending proposed rule date published in May, effective upon publication.   Indiana has been in its public comment period with a date proposed rule published in April of 2020, and comments being due on 5/22/2020. Kansas is currently drafting its rule. Minnesota has released guidance/fact sheets for the Subpart P requirements currently in place. Missouri is drafting its rule with a proposed rule published date in Summer of Fall 2020 with public hearings in Fall 2020, with the effective date set for late 2020. New Hampshire is drafting its rule with a proposed rule date to be published in Summer of 2020 and public hearings in late summer the same year. South Carolina is drafting a rule with a notice of drafting on 4/24/2020, comments being due 5/26/2020 and hearings in Summer 2020, with a final rule effective date in Fall of 2020.

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