
Six More U.S. States Moving Forward with Pharmaceutical Legislation


JULY 11, 2017

Legislation addressing various pharmaceutical issues is moving forward in six U.S. states. Several new bills have passed in sessions and are in the process of being enacted, awaiting governor signature or are awaiting final enactment dates.

  • The California State Board of Pharmacy formally adopted drug takeback regulations, allowing pharmacies to provide prescription drug takeback services. These regulations are in line with the DEA requirements and are effective July 6, 2017.
  • Connecticut H.B. 5077, which allows the return of prescription drugs to pharmacies, is awaiting final signature. Effective July 1, 2018, the act allows for not more than 50 retail pharmacy locations to collect drugs during the first year and an additional 50 in each subsequent year.
  • Connecticut, Florida and Illinois recently passed legislation that allows caregivers/nurses to properly dispose of medication during care or in time of death. The Connecticut bill is awaiting final signature. The Florida bill is final and effective on July 1, 2017. The Illinois bill is awaiting final signature and is effective immediately after.
  • Illinois passed legislation, which is awaiting final signature and is effective immediately after, that allows municipalities to have collection programs.
  • Nevada passed legislation requiring retail pharmacies to provide education for the safe disposal of drugs. The law is final and effective October 1, 2017.
  • South Carolina passed legislation, effective May 19, 2017, that allows pharmacies to be authorized collectors.

In today’s ever-changing regulatory environment, Clean Earth lends its expertise to customers of all sizes – from a single retail pharmacy to a large medical complex – with the safe and compliant disposal of pharmaceutical waste. For more information, click here.

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