
Corporate Sustainability Services: Going Green in 2014


JULY 11, 2014

Sustainability is not a new business practice by any means. In an effort to foster a more environmentally conscious approach, numerous organizations across sectors have utilized corporate sustainability services to integrate green initiatives from the top down.

But how are organizations actually doing when it comes to achieving their sustainability objectives? According to a recent study by BSR, a nonprofit business network, and research consultancy GlobeScan, the news is both good and bad.

The report surveyed more than 700 corporate sustainability executives, 62 percent of which cite integrating corporate sustainability services into core operations as their most important leadership challenge. The percentage of respondents who have actually met this goal is much smaller, however, with just one in five reporting that they have fully integrated sustainable practices throughout the business.

Now for the good news—more than 50 percent of respondents believe that their company is halfway down the path to full integration, suggesting that 2014 may be the year that a number of them realize their sustainability objectives. One key way organizations can hasten the integration process is by working with an expert partner to develop customized sustainability programs for their environmental initiatives.

Over the years we've collaborated with countless organizations across industries to do exactly that. As more companies focus on sustainability in 2014—and in the years to come—we look forward to continuing to help them develop programs that not only protect the environment, but also save money in the process.

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