Aerosols as Universal Waste Rule Effective in New York

In 2020, aerosols were added to the federal universal waste list, making it easier for businesses and consumers to recycle them, allowing generators to manage aerosol cans under less burdensome requirements, thus reducing the amount of hazardous waste they generate.
Most recently, the Aerosols as Universal Waste Rule has gone into effect in New York, and is predicted to go into effect in Arkansas, Maryland and Massachusetts by the end of the year.
As states begin implementing these rules, Clean Earth provides monthly updates to track when the rules go into effect.
Kansas: The rule is currently being drafted by reference to the BWM Policy 2017-P2. The proposed rule will be published in fall 2023, and the public hearing dates, comment periods, and meeting notices will occur in late fall 2023. The final rule is set to go into effect in summer 2024.
Minnesota: The rule is currently being drafted and added to previously proposed rulemaking: Land-Related Housekeeping Amendments. The proposed publish date, public hearing dates, comment periods and meeting notices will occur in November 2023. The final rule is set to go into effect in May 2024 if no hearing is required. If a hearing is required, the final rule will go into effect in November 2024.
Missouri: The rule is currently being drafted and in the stakeholder review period. The proposed publish date, public hearing dates, comment periods, and meeting notices will occur in fall 2023. The final rule is set to go into effect in early 2024.

Clean Earth is a leading hazardous waste management provider with technology designed to service aerosols, loose spec paint and other commodity waste. Learn more about how Clean Earth can provide you with sustainable aerosol solutions.
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